Yukijirō Hotaru


Yukijirō Hotaru is a Japanese actor. Born on August 27, 1951 in Saitama prefecture. He is internationally known for the detective in “Gamera” Series, and also the detective in “Groper Train” Series by Academy Award Winning Director, Yojiro Takita.


Groper Train – Search for the Black Pearl (1984)
Groper Train – Wedding Capriccio (1984)
Sexy Timetrip Ninjas (1984)
Sexy Battle Girls (1986)
Time Adventure: Zeccho 5-byo Mae (1986)
Gamera: Guardian of the Universe (1995)
Gamera 3: Awakening of Irys (1999)
Sexy S.W.A.T. Team
Mourning Wife (2001)
The Silence of the Sushi Rolls (2002)


Hotaru appears in these films-

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