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Pink Eiga Inc. Widow Apartment -HD- DOWNLOAD TO OWN Misaki has to find a way to move on after the death of her husband...which may be difficult as his spirit still lives on. 0 stars, based on 0 reviews 0 5

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Widow Apartment -HD- DOWNLOAD TO OWN

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Widow Apartment  -HD- DOWNLOAD TO OWN
Widow Apartment  -HD- DOWNLOAD TO OWN
Widow Apartment  -HD- DOWNLOAD TO OWN
Widow Apartment  -HD- DOWNLOAD TO OWN
Widow Apartment  -HD- DOWNLOAD TO OWN
Widow Apartment  -HD- DOWNLOAD TO OWN

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Widow Apartment -HD- DOWNLOAD TO OWN

Model Number: 2654756
Misaki has to find a way to move on after the death of her husband...which may be difficult as his spirit still lives on.
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Widow Apartment is a 2007 Japanese pink film written and directed by Yumi Yoshiyuki and starring Sakurako Kaoru. It was given Honorable Mention in the Best Film category of the Pink Grand Prix ceremony.

Misaki’s husband Ken’ichi dies in a car accident soon after their marriage. As the first anniversary of his death nears, Misaki is still in mourning for Ken’ichi. Ken’ichi had managed the Sunrise Villa apartments, which his parents have managed after his death. A psychic claims to have received word from Ken’ichi’s spirit that he wants the apartments to be kept running responsibly. Misaki, believing the psychic, takes charge of the apartments, working as the landlady, performing repairs, and responding to the demands of the tenants… However weird they are…

Year: 2007
TRT: 60 mins.
Starring: Sakurako Kaoru, Harumi Ogawa, Yumeka Sasaki, Yuya Ishikawa, and Rio Mochizuki
Director: Yumi Yoshiyuki
Writers: Yumi Yoshiyuki and Yuichi Honda
Cinematographer: Shoji Shimizu
Editor: Kunihiko Ukai
Music: Kichi Kato