The Pleasure Hotel


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Pink Eiga Inc. The Pleasure Hotel [DOWNLOAD TO OWN] The Pleasure Hotel accepts all guests looking for a nice, relaxing time! 0 stars, based on 0 reviews 0 5

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The Pleasure Hotel [DOWNLOAD TO OWN]

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The Pleasure Hotel [DOWNLOAD TO OWN]
The Pleasure Hotel [DOWNLOAD TO OWN]
The Pleasure Hotel [DOWNLOAD TO OWN]
The Pleasure Hotel [DOWNLOAD TO OWN]
The Pleasure Hotel [DOWNLOAD TO OWN]
The Pleasure Hotel [DOWNLOAD TO OWN]
The Pleasure Hotel [DOWNLOAD TO OWN]
The Pleasure Hotel [DOWNLOAD TO OWN]
The Pleasure Hotel [DOWNLOAD TO OWN]
The Pleasure Hotel [DOWNLOAD TO OWN]

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The Pleasure Hotel [DOWNLOAD TO OWN]

Model Number: PH005
The Pleasure Hotel accepts all guests looking for a nice, relaxing time!
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Manufacturer: Pink Eiga Inc.
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71 mins.

The Pleasure Hotel accepts all guests looking for a nice, relaxing time!

Yuji is the ultimate host. He keeps his place clean and tidy, welcomes guests cordially, and throws in extra perks left and right. Ice cold beverages at a moments notice? Check. Onsen bath? Check. Personal massage? Double check. Sawako, who is married but neglected, checks in to unwind while she’s away from her cheating husband. Michiru and Yuka, a lesbian couple with a dark secret come to stay as well, igniting a passionate romance. What these guests don’t know is that Yuji is a peeping tom, and will take any chance he gets to spy on them and catch them in their most compromising situations. Call for your reservations today!

Starring: Nanami Hirose, Kaoru Majima, Moe Sakura, Tomohiro Okada, and Riry Koda

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