Pink Eiga: ‘Whore Angels’ DVD review

If you were to describe to someone what a sex comedy was you would probably refer to a certain franchise that has been man milked to death. You would talk about the pie. You would talk about gross out gags and toilet humor. You would talk about the scant few moments of flesh in the films as well. You would also mention that this was all very scandalous over ten years ago when this franchise made its debut in 1999.
If you were to ask pink eiga director  Mototsugu Watanabe [Sexy Battle Girls] what his 2000 sex comedy Whore Angels was about he would tell you. Every 1000 years god sends an angel to Earth to renew the lease for the planet between himself and humankind. But, if the demon Rock ‘N Roll gets to her first and fucks her then we’re all fucked. And not in a good way. Oh, and his sex comedy has more flesh and sex in its 62 minute run time than that other franchise has in all its films combined!
I believe we call that a time saver.

Officially, the description of Whore Angels by Pink Eiga is as follows…

Komasa is a cow-girl drifter who works at the whore house, “Hot-Lips”. One day, she saves the life of Monroe, a pink-haired woman, who is being attacked by a demon.
Monroe gets a job at “Hot Lips” where it’s quickly discovered that her blowjobs have magical healing powers. Soon she’s the most popular girl there as lines of sick and handicap men seek special treatment from the woman who has the healing powers of an angel…

Whore Angels was originally released in Japan as part of the Pink Salon Hospital series. It was the third such film in the series and was originally titled PSH3: No-Pants Exam Room. It joins other distinguished entries: No-Pants Nurses, No-Pants Female Doctor and No-Pants Nursing. I too picked up on the recurring theme. Pink Eiga’s earlier release [ha ha. release.] Deep Contact is that second entry.

Your typical Summer blockbuster is often tagged as a roller coaster thrill ride of emotions. And Whore Angels has a roller coaster thrill ride of its own as Watanabe and his screenwriter, Takao Nakano [Sexual Parasite: Killer Pussy – I kid you not!], mix together goofy comedic moments with a bevy of softcore sex moments. One minute its goofy comedy with every OTT character imaginable. Then it is sexy with a good dose of lesbian, threesome, oral and traditional softcore sex scenes. Goofy. Horny. Goofy. Horny. Goofy. horny. Horny. HORNY! goofy. Horny. You’re not coming to watch Whore Angels for the goofy characters or the comedy but they help during those down times.

I could get behind this kind of homeopathic medicine if this was the cure for all that ails me. Where does it hurt? Just here baby. Just here.